Monday, October 16, 2017

Blog #8 -Materialistic Myth

Walter R. Fisher compares two American Dreams definition in two myths which were identified in each of the candidates of the 1972 Presidential elections.Fisher described how Nixon defined the American Dream as a materialistic myth of working an obtaining. On the other hand stands the Moralistic myth behind Senator McGovern that defined the American Dream freedom;as one conceives itself.
It is amusing when Fisher argues that "Their campaign struggle would be a struggle between rival definitions of the American Dream.(117)". He later goes on to explain that the constituents that voted for each candidate did not mean agreement nor support for the candidates political agenda. They voted for them primarily because of the American Dream that the candidate symbolized.It comes to prove how important the Myth of the American Dream, and how much the Americans value it. I mean Nixon was already battling allegations of watergate and he still won the election by a landslide.I personally think that  has to do a lot with the time period that Nixon won. The concern for social issues was not dominant, the civil rights act of 1965 was very recent and barely gaining importance in the life of American ideology. Meanwhile, the concern for prosperity and Economic success was already deeply embedded in the American Culture.Industiralization, the Gilded Age and Post World War II  were times of great economic success so the Americans see it as the dominant factor in a president.

Moving on to a different topic  Fisher states " the materialistic code assumes that one will pursue ones self-interest, not deny it for the betterment of someone else.(118)This quotation makes sense, you will pursue personal success , to simply survive and not deny yourself of that becasue of kindness.However, this concept has not functioned so smoothly, Americans are very individualistic, we focus on ourselves and even after obtaining economic success we dont turn to our neighbors to help.Specially, when many times our neighbors are part of the reason we obtained our prosperity.The capitalist economy makes complete sense; work to survive.However it should also be mixed with sense of helping others and caring for social issues even when you arent affected.
There must be balance; a a time to work for owns interest and a time to give and help others.I guess it relates to a presidential Promise made by several president throughout the years "America First."Obviously, in some time periods it was necessary for America to back off world issues and focus its attention to domestic issues, in other time periods;specifically recent presidents promise to focus on America and go on to send troops to areas of interest and enter foreign affairs.
Its a characteristic of American politics now days.They seem to be a world leader; a government that wants to help third world countries develop, however the interest are malicious and selfish.
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Saturday, October 7, 2017


Isn't it crazy that we see the American corporations running world wide and foreign countries have English as a prominent language? That surely does not mean that foreign countries embrace America! In fact most countries hate Americans for exactly that reason! They are everywhere or atleast they want to be!  American business and politics grt involved in every issue possible and due to that, the americans think that other nations embrace American culture worldwide. , p.s. we call our presudent the “ leader of the free world”  , however that name was selfgiven by the United States culture....other countries dont identify our president as the leader of the free world.

Gary Althen titles his reading “American values and assumptions” .... interesting because he does discuss the values americans have  and the assumption that it is a global concept. 

Althen  first value is “
Individualism.”  This concept is very interesting because  it dates back many centuries.  A strong concept during the gilded age was  an economic view of “survival of the fittest” a social darwin theory that stated that all consequences such as poverty, hunger and homelessness was a result of owns actions and each person should worry about own success.This concept is very dominant in american culture. Parenents teach their kids to be independent as soon as possible, drive at age 14, work at age 16, earn ur own money, make your own decision,  and at 18 you must leave to college or the house.  I dont see how this system functions. It is building selfish machines(humans) that will not care for their neighbor, the one in necessity, or the poor.

Although my community and family is predominantly hispanic  we are still influenced to some extent by the concept of individualism.  However, Hispanics are more attached to their family and the necesssities of others because most come from a struggling situation where they were taught to work in unity and look out forthose around us. It is very hard for a hispanic to seperate them selves frlm their family. In fact the majoroty of hispanics dont leave their house/parents until they are married. Many would argue that hispanic culture doesnt prepare kids for the world since they are always “ dependent” , but it’s not that. The thing is that hispanics are taught to work in unity witj their families and support them throughtout most of their lives.

Another interesting concept of American culture is  “ te future , change and progress.” It is basically this idea of forgetting of the past and focusing on the future.  From what I have observed, americans aren’t very attached to their culture. Unlike other countries like china, mexico, and south american countries that are very proud of their heritage. They express their pride through music, dances, plays , etc. On the other hand American does not display much pride, nor embarassment but they just continue society as if the past never happend.  

A famouse quote says “ those who dont know history, are condemned to repeat it” ( or something like that) . In other words the future focused vision  of the united states has also been the cause of many social issues like racism and gun violence, because they dont remmeber their history, they put it aside and it becomes a cycle that repeats every few decades.

These are just some of the many weird customs Althen describes, and just to be clear , I now understand why most countries see american customs as odd. Americans are pretty damn weird.
Personally, one of the weirdest things Americans do is;wear sandals everywheeeeeeeeeere.I have seen sandals in every location, including locations of respect such as church or rainy weathers. It is really odd.

Ohh and by the way .... Usually when you think about traditional foods for Americans , what is it?.... Hamburgers and Hot dogs?  That is crazy.