Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Blog #9 -Presidents and The American Dream

Who started the American Dream? Have you ever sit back and thought how did the American Dream come to be? and why is it that other nations dont have a popular dream like that of America? I mean we arent the only first world country, so why arent other countries proud of their "British dream" French dream" or "Chinese dream"? The other countries  also aspire riches and success, what sets the United States apart is the leader of the country. Not only is the American President very influential in international affairs and sometimes even regarded as the 'leader of the free world.' The President is also the most influential citizen in the United States and almost every President appeals to the American Dream when running the campaign. They must re assure the public that they will preserve one of Americas greatest trasures; the American Dream.

John Kenneth White writes chapter 3 of The American Dream in the 21st Century. His chapter " The Presidency and the Making of the American Dream" is broken down into 2 topics- yet 3 parts. The two topics are the President  and Immigrants.Obviously both in context of the American Dream. Among the two topics he dicusses 3 main parts. The first part is how the President embodies the American Dream. This idea that any citizen coming from rags or riches can gain riches and even become the Leader of the country.Obama, Kennedy, Raegen, Washington and many other embodied the American Dream by showing a poor start of their life's until eventually reaching the Oval office. Then White discusses that representing the American Dream is not enough they need speak with "credible optimism." Many use optimism through stories of their fathers or admiring figures.The public just need their lack of hope reassured. A security that the American Dream is alive at its full potential.Perhaps those two topics go hand in hand, I just saw them as a slight different focus.Finally, White discusses Immigrants.  elaborates on 4 different preidenttial candidates (win or lose)  and how they aided in  building the American Dream.One quote mentioned that really stood out to me was  when he quotes Michael S. Dukakis in the election of 1988.  Dukakis said " immigrants had a special responsibility to give something back to the country that had opened up its arms to our parents and given so much to them." Whites overall topic of immigrants is that Immigrants are becoming a stronger part of American culture and that throughout history many president have been responsible for Immigrants adopting the American Dream. However, going back to the topic, it really stood out to me because those who can relate and understand the true meaning of Dukakis words will know how strong and meaningful that is.

My family and I are immigrants under the DACA program. Family of 6. We all have jobs, no criminal records, pay taxes and 4 of us are in college. We are contributors of this country and unlike other people believe that immigrants are  taking advantage of the system,that fear is false and unrealistic. In fact the majority of immigrants are extremely greatfull for the opportunity to pursue the American Dream and only want to be integrated into society to contribute in making America the greatest country in the world.My parents were economically more stable when we lived in Mexico.Owned our own house, business, and principals of a school. Yet they still decided to migrate to an unknown country to live a low income life??That is the value of the American Dream for immigrants.It is difficult and painful but it is so strong it overcomes foreign economic status. So far , it is the best decision my parents have taken.All we want to do is reach  a better status of living. Non-immigrants think that after achiveing the American Dream , Immigrants will go back to their country or simply take advantage of American citizens. That idea is wrong. Immigrants come here to incorporate in society and give back to the only nation that opened its arms to immigrants.It is the "Immigrant Responsibility" ( this paragraph was probably not relevant to the blog, but that quote triggered me)

Throught the test of chapter 3 I had many questions. one of the Main questions was clarified by White in a paragraph however it remains a doubt . My question is , why do presidents embody the American Dream, if most of them were born into a rich and political family. Very few of them can really say they came from "rags to riches." White admits that its myth, and the public knows that so why is it that we still admire them in the American Dream.

Additionally, White mentions optimism. Does that mean the American Dream is not real? It is only constant reassurance , just words to make thhe public think the American Dream is alive, when it really is dead?

Finally, who represents the American Dream better? Immigrants or American Citizens? A citizen simply worries about his/her prosperity.. and that is acceptable. However, the American Dream for an immigrant is a mixture of education, stability, safety, and overall legalization.

The American Dream is so value it is nearly part of the Constitution.

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