Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Selfless Dream

            The article "American Dreams" by Ian Brown shows 15 people with different backgrounds to illustrate that the American Dream has a different meaning and vision for each individual. The variety of stories show that for some people the dream is unity, equality for blacks, health, gun rights, immigration policies , and advocacy among others.It is important that the author uses different cultural backgrounds to understand that it is a unique vision for each individual that is shaped by their past tragedies It is clearly shown exactly how the past experience shaped these people vision of American dream. For example,the first story is from Lisa Weah, an African American pastor in Baltimore,who observed the police brutality and death of Freddie Grey in her own community. It is not surprise that her Dream is to live in a country where people of color are not discriminated and racially profiled but are treated equally. In another story,Hector Salamanca is a a dreamer at Drake University who wants to run for office . Once again his struggle to obtain DACA has allowed him  to appreciate the opportunity and help is community through government policies.Finally,Rick Ector is an experienced firearm instructor passionate for the 2nd amendment ; right to bear arms. His close to death experience when being assaulted at gunpoin had him terriefied of guns until it led him to dream of a America where everyone may carry a weapon for security without government intervention.It is impressing how every story and almost every American Dream is selfless, although each individual seeks to accomplish a personal vision of this country, it is one that the majority gets to enjoy and live with. Once again, the author demonstrates that the American dream is not a general set goal but rather it is what we define it.

            I personally think that the American dream of my myself, my family and including the people in Ian Browns article is dream that the future generations that follow will live, the future generations will live off the accomplished American dreams of today generation.My parents moving to the United States for the beloved American Dream is an ongoing process that will pay off to us, their kids. Unfortunately  it is not a dream that they will be able to first hand experience.The same applies to ever story in Browns article,( the gun rights, health, farming, advocacy, immigration) they have a goal which they aspire to accomplish in hopes that the generation that proceeds is able to enjoy that dream.I would also like to add that it is interesting how most people have a misconception that the American dream is a characteristic of immigrants, foreigners, and poor people. However , the Dream is of every citizen in the United States who wants to see a better future in this country.

            My american dream is one where foreigners are welcome into the United States, where skin color, gender or religion aren't condemned, and where the government really cares over the interest of the people.

Image result for immigration

1 comment:

  1. Pablo, you have made a very good point, that sometimes the people pursuing the dream don't get to experience it "first hand," but their future generations get to live the dream that they dreamed. I did not say that as elegantly as you did.
