Sunday, September 17, 2017

Blog #5-exterminating solidarity

You know that feeling you get after you give a home less some money, help an old lady or simply open the door for someone else. That feeling of satisfaction and pleasure, it is natural. Humans are born with the desire to help others,it is our emotion, it is known as solidarity.

However, Chomsky claims that the wealthy only pursue the vile maxim, he even adds that that selfish characteristic is created and not born with. When Chomsky says " You have to drive that out of people's heads"(p.66). He was referring to the natural emotion of solidarity, the characteristics of the wealthy have been made to turn them into selfish followers of their own prosperity.I found this very interesting because no one is born with unethical characteristics ,it is not in our genetics.... they are characteristics that humans learn and catch on to.It is also very sad how a human can reach such level of cruelty where they have complete disregard for anyone else but themselves.

Chomsky proves that the masters of mankind chase their own wealth while purposely limiting the less fortunate through their attack on public education,privatization of medicare and the elimination of the government.

         - when he speaks about public education and the absurdity of the individual paying a huge amount  he is doing a partially detached observation, where he is not directing interacting with struggling college students in debt but he was able to live in 1945 when tuition was essentially free.
         - In the discussion of medicare, Chomsky is once again doing an observation. He is criticizing the privatization of such basic human right and exposing how it is widely desired right.
         -Finally, Chomsky makes another observation that the wealthy want to have full control of the system.

Although Chomsky's examples are solid and questionable the support is very weak.He is able to provide much more support in other areas of his book, however he did not provide as much evidence as he could have.He does present examples however I keep in mind that these our his observation rather than proven facts. Nevertheless, what he does present is enough to convince a large amount of people.

Chomsky's main strategies is division/classification and loaded language.He divides each aspect that the wealthy attack so that he can analyze it and explain it. Additionally,  it can clearly be observed how the masters of mankind pursue the vile maxim.On the other hand, the loaded language is probably the most important. Chomsky , quotes what the wealthy would think "why should I pay taxes so that my neighbor can benefit." That is some very strong language, it sets a very cruel and selfish perception of the wealthy.Most importantly , Chomsky language makes distorts our view of the system. At least personally it made me view the education system as a disgrace.His audience are people who are directly affected by these features that the wealthy are attacking therefore his language strongly appeals to our emotions.

*picture is irrelevant
Image result for funny rich memes

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