Monday, September 4, 2017


Image result for unicorns are real CNN
If I were to tell you that unicorns were real..... it would probably be very hard to believe. However if the media announced it as a single statement not backed up by any source , it would be a widespread "fact."

It is completely surprising and quiet disappointing that society tends to believe anything announced by the media. I understand it is our source of information across the globe, however they are very biased. Only airing exactly what they want to be seen.

Additionally, they only say what they want others to hear.

Jones brings up an interesting point when she says "On news shoes, we encounter a version of argument that seems more like a circus than a public discussion."She could not have said it better. Politicians are masters of allusions, they  can dodge any question by simply  changing the subject in a very subtle way. They seem to answer the question by rephrasing the question or raising attention for a bigger issue.

Megan Kelly always did her best efforts to defend Trump's reputation. When questioned about political statements, ideologies, or actions she always found a way around the questions. Many of the hosts were outraged and asked her to simply answer the question and she would continue to move around the central argument.

It is especially sad that politics is  seen as a game or "circus." These political men and women are supposed to represent us and form the laws that protect us, yet they cant even articulate an educated argument among themselves when controversial issues come to light?However it is equally sad that new shows  cant argue with politicians since they have the important role of communicating to the world. If they were to structure well arguments and directly question politicians our policy making would be efficient and corruption would decrease.

I cant think of any other solution other than directly and publicly questioning news shows and politicians. It is now clear that directly asking them a question wont produce much result, however when done with boldness, publicly and consistently they have two options. Answering the question, or national embarrassment.Jon Stewart is a great example of comically and very passively questioning the host of CNN "crossfire." They were clearly very uncomfortable, as a result CNN today is criticized for its lack of coverage and biased news.

This issue is also part of our daily lives. When two individuals disagree (on a simple idea) it is very difficult for either of them to discuss it, prove their point , acknowledge the opposing view and perhaps come to a middle ground.This is just a small example of the larger scale to which lack of argumentation is terrifying.

It is the right of every american to argue.It is no different than Freedom of speech. The constitution gave us that right to declare any statement we want, however that does not make our statement correct. In fact, freedom of speech  pleads for  arguments of opposing views to share ideas and discuss issues.Prior to learning freedom of speech Americans need to learn the art of argument.

1 comment:

  1. What did Jones mean when she said that news shows are circuses? In what way? What kind of arguments is she particularly frustrated with? (I'm not sure frustration is the right word here, but she is definitely opposed to them.)
